In addition to being a practicing SLP, Lori is an independent researcher working with a research team that investigates research questions at the intersection of technology, communication, and clinical practice.
Upcoming Book
Dr. Du and Dr. Lubniewski and I will be contributing two chapters to the following book, scheduled for publication in 2025 by Plural Publishing:
Artificial Intelligence, Extended Reality and Automation in Speech-Language Pathology: Integrating Technology into Clinical Practice by Michelle Boisvert and Nerissa Hall.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Lubniewski, K., Price, L., Du, Y., & Soni, N. (2023). Using Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives to Enhance Integration of Mobile Technology for Students with Communication Needs. In O. Noroozi & I. Sahin (Eds.), Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments in Education (pp. 175-230). ISTES Organization.
Du, Y., Lubniewski, K., Price, L., Breslin, G., Thomson, P., Jinadasa, N., & Soni, N. (2023). “They Can’t Believe They’re a Tiger”: Insights from pediatric speech‐language pathologists mobile app users and app designers. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders.
Past Presentations
American Speech Language and Hearing Association Convention, Seattle, December 2024 Kao, O., Weidner, S., & Price, L. Using ChatGPT as a Collaborative Patient-Therapist Tool for a Patient with Mild TBI.
American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), San Francisco, November 2024
Du, Y., Price, L., Shen, J., Yao, B., Wang, D. Large Language Models (LLMs) for Language, Social and Cognitive Communication Disorders
California Speech, Language and Hearing Association, San Francisco, March 2024 Du, Y., Price, L., Zborovsky R., Amrgousian, S., Lafreniere, K., Quan, S., Juefei-Xu, F., Wang, D. (2024, March). AI for Training Future Clinicians: A Quick Lesson on ChatGPT and Voice Assistive Technology.
American Speech Language and Hearing Association Convention, Boston, November 2023
Price, L., Lubniewski, K., Soni, N., Du, Y. Design and Build: A Collaborative Roadmap for Creating Mobile Apps Informed by Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives
Price, L., Lubniewski, K., Soni, N., Du, Y. Mobile App Research: A Collaborative Roadmap for Implementing Mobile Apps Informed by Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives
American Speech Language and Hearing Association 2022, New Orleans, November 2022
Du, Y., Hughes, D., Boisvert, M., Liu, Y., Breslin, G., Price, L., Vega, J. (2022). New Technology and Games for Futurist Clinicians: From Voice Assistant Alexa to Augmented Reality.
From App Users to App Designers & Developers: The Making of Apps for Pediatric Speech-Language Therapy.
International Conference on Media and Education (ICoME), Hawaii, August 2022
20-minute Roundtable Presentation: From Mobile Apps to Voice Assistants: A Review of Case Studies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
You should learn about Ms. Lori.
1. Ms. Lori loooooooves dogs! I know this because she has a dog named Mac and she loves my dog, Yofi.
2. She does sharing and games. Ms. Lori may even let your friends and family join in on the fun!
3. Ms. Lori is known for speech, but she gives great life advice, too.
4. The first fluency strategy I learned was “Easy Onsets.” You start slow and go with the flow.
Now start speech and enjoy! Have fun!
— Lillian, age 8 (almost 9), third grade